Family Play at the Garden

Sarah planting garlic with Chong Ho and some families.
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"What I love about Family Play at the Garden is:
We are all digging in the dirt and the sun, planting different vegetables or digging in the sandbox for fun. As we plant and play, we put down roots in the soil and roots with each other. We grow new delicious foods along with new friendships, skills, and our community.
It’s all about how things grow from a tiny seed to a giant sunflower-with many seeds.
Last year we started with the idea of grinding wheat and making flatbreads for one morning program. Families and staff began talking and sharing excitedly how they used flour where they were from. So then each week we had a new kind of bread, chapatis, corn tortillas, oatmeal pancakes eaten with things we made from the garden like pesto and herb butter. And we had a long line of spring roll makers using rice paper to fill with veggies picked from the garden.
And I love to see the older school aged kids return to renew friendships and play with all ages -grinding herbs in the mortar and pestle, dying cloth with plants, exploring the woods and meadows, playing soccer, getting cool in the pools — alive delight-filled together.”
Sarah Sinnott
Parent and Community Coordinator
Contact Sarah with questions:
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